8 Things You (Yes, YOU) can do Right Now if you’re Outraged about Harvey Weinstein and the Scale of #metoo

8 Things You (Yes, YOU) can do Right Now if you’re Outraged about Harvey Weinstein and the Scale of #metoo


In our current political climate of extreme divisions, things that we can all agree on seem few and far between. But basically everyone on the planet (except apparently Woody Allen) can come together around this: Harvey Weinstein is a disgusting garbage pile of a human, and his actions are horrific.

Harvey Weinstein is only the repulsive tip of a dark, huge, and hideous iceberg. But the iceberg is coming to the surface. Women are coming forward and sharing their stories.

The flood of #metoo declarations is heart-wrenching, the scope of the suffering almost unbearable. But it’s also a call to action. We *have* to take the momentum of this movement and make sure it means something. Call me a naïve idealist, but Read more